Hiking Cabin Adventures
escape, relax and reconnect with nature…
escape, relax and reconnect with nature…
Ready to Plan Your Escape?
Peckerwood Knobs is THE destination for Hikers
Your hiking adventure awaits from the moment you step outside your cabin and the trail goes on for hundreds of miles…

Hiking is endless near Peckerwood Knob Cabins. We have short trails off our drive that are beautiful hikes for an hour or so of wooded trails with rocky creeks and hillsides. And we are pleased to recommend our Peckerwood Knob Trail. It runs about a mile around the knob and has many interesting views.
For the serious hiker in your group, we are near the Ouachita National Recreation Trail. The nearest trailhead is only 7 miles from your cabin. This 223 mile hike through the Ouachita (wa-sha-tah) Mountains is a unique experience. Enjoy the solitude of a beautiful and little used forest footpath.
Want to take advantage of having a local person willing to help you have a great experience on the Ouachita Trail? Contact the Ouachita Trail Guide, (918) 383-0060. – Promoting use of the Ouachita National Recreation Trail and Winding Stair Recreation Area. They provide shuttle services, resupply and trail guides for hikers. Ideal for families who want to be able to trek together or introduce younger members to wilderness hikes.

Let us know your plans and we will go over a map with you. Or you can find a good map of our section of the trail here: Ouachita Trail map – Winding Stair mountain to Big Cedar trailhead

Nearby Trails
Rough Mountain via Quachita Trail
13.6 miles from your cabin
- DISTANCE: 8.5 miles
- ELEVATION GAIN: 2011 feet
- ROUTE TYPE: Out & Back
Mountain Top Trail Loop
13.8 miles from your cabin
- DISTANCE: 2.5 miles
- ELEVATION GAIN: 265 feet
Billy Creek North Loop
17.0 miles from you cabin
- DISTANCE: 7.3 miles
- ELEVATION GAIN: 1053 feet
Horse Thief Spring Trail
17.0 miles from your cabin
- DISTANCE: 13.9 miles
- ELEVATION GAIN: 1984 feet
Emerald Vista Trail
21.2 Miles from your cabin
- DISTANCE: 6.9 miles
- ELEVATION GAIN: 1289 feet
- ROUTE TYPE: Out & Back