Offroad Cabin Adventures
take it off road…
take it off road…
Ready to Plan Your Escape?
ATV trailheads located just one mile from Peckerwood Knob Cabins
You’re in the mountains with something new around every bend…

Peckerwood Knob Cabins affords endless opportunities for ATVs, mountain biking and hiking. You can explore public lands free for miles and miles…and miles. The ATV trailhead is located just one mile from Peckerwood Knob Cabins. You will have to trailer that one mile as it is state highway. No permits required. No boring flatlands. You’re in the mountains with something new around every bend. Rough terrain. Great views. Our guests love it. Please check out Oklahoma ATV laws before riding. We have a trailer drop on site for those coming with ATVs on trailers. Please do not bring trailers to the Sunset Cabin or the house, as it is difficult to turn a trailer in the small spaces available there. When you arrive, we can give you a copy of a map and go over it with you.

Old Military Road Trail
The Old Military Road Trail partially follows the road that was built by the military in 1832 between Fort Smith, AR and Fort Towson, OK.
Many features of the original military road can still be seen from the trail just north of the picnic area. This old road also provided access to settlers in the area and wagon trains headed west.
This is a more difficult trail where it climbs Winding Stair Mountain.
Boardstand and Old Military Road Trail is marked with white rectangles; blue rectangles mark the Ouachita National Recreation Trail.
23.1 mile loop trail.
Wolf Pen Gap Trail
Trail Highlights: Featuring high mountain vistas, the trail leads the rider through an array of areas, including scenic Gap Creek and Board Camp Creek.
The trail continues through a forest of large pines and hardwoods before passing the unique 2-footed oak tree and an abandoned mine shaft.
The trail loops are connected to accommodate riders who want to vary the length of their trips.
Surrounding Areas:
Enjoy the beautiful scenery along the Cossatot Scenic and Recreational River.
For an extended hike, there are 18 miles of hiking trails in the Caney Creek Wilderness.
South of Caney Creek is the Shady Lake Recreation Area, which offers camping, fishing, swimming, boating and hiking at the campground.
Trail surface is either gravel or unsurfaced. The length is 35 miles of loop trails.
Trails 3, 3B, 3C and 6 have sections for experienced riders only.
OHV use within the Wolf Pen Gap Trail complex is limited to designated roads and trails. Helmet use is recommended. OHVs are not allowed in recreation areas.
Sugar Creek Multi-Use Trail
The Sugar Creek Multi-Use Trail is a network of looping trails that winds over various types of terrain and through a variety of tree types. Connecting loops offer users an opportunity to explore exciting outdoor opportunities. The Sugar Creek Multi Use Recreation Trail offers motorcycle, 4-wheeler, utility vehicle, horse, bicycle, and foot travel enthusiasts approximately 30 miles of rustic, scenic, historic and picturesque travel ways. The difficulty level ranges from easy to more difficult, with most of the trail being easy to moderate difficulty.
Total trail length is 36.7 miles. Loops range from 2 hours to all day. The trail is unsurfaced, however, some parts where the trail follows roads are graveled. The trail markings consist of yellow rectangles. Markers are posted at intersections to help keep you on the trail.
Fourche Mountain Trail
Trail Highlights: The Fourche Mountain Trail (formerly Mill Creek Equestrian Trail) offers breathtaking views of Fourche Mountain and Buck Knob.
Beautiful streams, and several spectacular views of the Ouachita Mountains are among the trail sites.
While this trail network provides horseback riding opportunities, it also offers day hiking, mountain biking, ORV and motorcycle riding.
Let us know your plans and we will go over a map with you!

The Rules
We prefer that you not unload your ATVs on our property as our insurance no longer covers you there.
We have built a drive-through trailer drop for your convenience.
Please keep all ATVs and trailers on the graveled part of our mountain. They are devastating to what we laughingly refer to here as grass.
The parking at our house and the Sunset Cabin is small. Please scout the area before you pull in to be sure you can turn around.
The Sunrise Cabin has a large yard for parking. There is room for a trailer there. Again, please keep all vehicles in the drive, not the yard.
Oklahoma state law for ATVing can be found here: OK ATV Law